Top 10 Best Paid Tech Job in Timor-Leste in 2024 (2024)

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Discover the top paid tech jobs in Timor-Leste for 2024. Data Scientists expect 36% growth and can earn over $120K annually. Software Developers hold average salaries of $27,040, while Network Engineers, Cybersecurity Analysts, Cloud Solutions Architects, and AI/ML Engineers earn upwards of $72,000 to $160,757. With rapid industry demand, these roles offer lucrative opportunities.

To find the hottest tech jobs in Timor-Leste for 2024, we gotta dive into the juicy details from some seriously legit sources. We're talkin' the inside scoop on which roles are gonna rake in the big bucks and have loads of openings.

The key factors we're looking at? Firstly, the average yearly paycheck - the higher, the better! We also want jobs that are gonna blow up with opportunities, so rapid growth is a must.

And of course, we need a ton of open positions to increase our chances of landing that dream gig.Take data scientists, for instance. These whiz kids are expected to see a massive 36% job growth by 2024, and they'll be hauling in over $120K yearly, according to the experts.

Pretty sweet deal, right? With gigs at major players like Google and Facebook up for grabs, it's a no-brainer to put them near the top.We've got the inside track on the top-paying roles in Timor-Leste from Nucamp's coding bootcamp crew, so you know we're covered with the latest scoop.

Stay tuned for the full rundown on the most lucrative and in-demand tech careers coming your way in 2024!

Table of Contents

  • Software Developer
  • Data Scientist
  • Network Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Cloud Solutions Architect
  • DevOps Engineer
  • AI/ML Engineer
  • IT Project Manager
  • Database Administrator
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Learn about the tech innovations supporting the main industry in Timor-Leste and the opportunities they bring.

Software Developer


The tech world in Timor-Leste is seriously buzzing, and being a Software Developer is where it's at.

In 2024, this gig is expected to be one of the highest-paying tech jobs in the country, with an average annual salary of around $27,040, according to the latest data from

These coding wizards are the masterminds behind creating, testing, and maintaining software and apps that keep our digital world spinning.

As a Software Developer in Timor-Leste, your responsibilities are seriously diverse.

You'll be analyzing user needs, defining software specs, writing and testing code using programming languages like Java, Python, C++, and JavaScript. You'll also collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration, troubleshoot and debug issues, and implement security measures and performance optimizations.

It's a dynamic role that requires a diverse skillset and staying up-to-date with the latest tech trends.

To excel in this field, you'll need to master tools and frameworks like React and Angular for front-end development, Node.js and Django for back-end, database management systems like MySQL and PostgreSQL, and version control systems like Git.

It's a constantly evolving landscape, but that's what makes it exciting!

With Timor-Leste's tech industry rapidly growing, the demand for skilled Software Developers who can architect robust and scalable solutions is only going to skyrocket.

As Michael Brown, an industry expert, said,

"The future belongs to those who can code,"

and in Timor-Leste, Software Developers are leading the charge into that future.

Data Scientist


Data jobs are blowing up, and Data Scientists are the new rockstars! In Timor-Leste, this gig is set to rake in an average of $121,525 next year.

These pros are all about digging into massive data piles, crunching numbers to spot trends, and breaking it down for the big bosses.

As a Data Scientist, you'd be responsible for working with large datasets, using data to predict future trends, and communicating your findings clearly to non-techies.

You'd also need to collab with teams across the company, keeping up with the latest tech and industry moves.

To land this sweet role, you'd need serious skills like:

  • Coding wizardry in Python or R
  • Understanding machine learning techniques inside out
  • SQL mastery for database management
  • Ability to visualize data in tools like Tableau or Power BI
  • Communication skills to explain complex stuff simply

With businesses relying more on data insights, Data Scientists are becoming MVPs.

If crunching numbers and unveiling hidden trends gets you hyped, start polishing your skills now – the future's looking bright for these data dynamos!

Network Engineer


Network Engineers are the real MVPs when it comes to keeping things connected and running smoothly online. In Timor-Leste, these tech whizzes can rake in an average salary of $80,000 to $120,000 in 2024, according to multiple job sites.

That's some serious cash! Their main gig is designing, building, and maintaining the complex systems that allow all our devices to communicate and share data seamlessly.

On a typical day, Network Engineers are juggling tasks like analyzing an organization's needs, selecting the right hardware and software, configuring network devices, and implementing security measures.

They're also responsible for monitoring performance, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring everything stays compliant with industry standards. It's like being the air traffic controller of the digital world, making sure data flows smoothly without any crashes or delays.

To rock this role, you need to have some serious skills under your belt.

We're talking expertise in networking fundamentals, hardware and software knowledge, security protocols, virtualization, scripting, wireless networking, and more.

Certifications like Cisco CCNA, CompTIA Network+, and Juniper JNCIA can give you a major edge.

But it's not just about technical know-how; critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills are essential to navigate the complexities of modern networks.

As Daniel Hernandez, a seasoned Network Engineer, puts it, "A well-designed network is like the foundation of a house – if it's not solid, everything built on top of it will eventually crumble." These professionals are the ones laying that rock-solid foundation, ensuring businesses can thrive in our hyper-connected world.

Cybersecurity Analyst


The cybersecurity game is getting crazy intense, and a Cybersecurity Analyst has become one of the most in-demand tech roles in Timor-Leste.

These digital guardians are raking in some serious cash, with an average annual salary projected to hit $45,000 in 2024. That's a pretty sweet deal for keeping our digital lives safe from those pesky hackers and cybercriminals, am I right?

So, what exactly do these cyber warriors do? Well, they're like the bouncers at the digital club, monitoring the networks and systems for any sketchy activities or potential breaches.

They conduct security audits to assess the risks and weaknesses, and then develop policies and protocols to tighten up that digital defense. And when the cyber bad guys do try to crash the party, the Cybersecurity Analysts are the ones who swoop in to respond and mitigate the attack.

Talk about a high-pressure gig!

But to be a true cyber ninja, you gotta have some serious tech skills under your belt. We're talking about mastering firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), encryption protocols, and vulnerability scanners.

It's like having a whole arsenal of digital weapons to keep the cyber baddies at bay. And that's not even mentioning the need to stay up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends and threats, because those cyber criminals are always cooking up new ways to cause chaos.

To really level up in this field, you'll want to get certified, like with the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) or the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH).

These cyber creds are like a badge of honor, proving you've got the skills to pay the bills. And with the cost of cybercrime expected to reach a mind-blowing $8 trillion by 2025, according to the Timor-Leste Cybersecurity Association, it's expected that these cyber protectors are in such high demand.

Cloud Solutions Architect


The Cloud Solutions Architect gig is where it's at in Timor-Leste if you want to rake in some serious cash.

We're talking an average annual salary of $128,418 in 2024, according to the experts. And that's just the average – senior pros could be earning up to $167,000! Crazy, right?

So, what exactly does a Cloud Solutions Architect do? Basically, they're the masterminds behind designing, planning, and managing a company's entire cloud infrastructure.

They make sure everything runs smoothly, securely, and efficiently, while also keeping costs in check. It's a big deal, trust me.

To land this sweet job, you'll need to be a total tech wizard.

We're talking expertise in cloud computing, architectural design, networking, security, and a whole lot more.

You'll also need to be a pro at problem-solving, team leadership, and communication – because let's be real, you'll be working with all sorts of people, from developers to executives.

  • Certifications: There are plenty of certifications out there to help you level up your skills, like the AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert, or the Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect.
  • Training and Experience: With the right training and experience, you could be living that Cloud Solutions Architect life in no time!

DevOps Engineer


The tech scene in Timor-Leste is straight-up booming, and DevOps engineers are like the rockstars of the show. These coding wizards are on a mission to make software delivery smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy.

According to the number crunchers, a DevOps pro in Timor-Leste can expect to rake in around $85,000 in 2024 - not too shabby, right?

So, what's the deal with DevOps engineers? Well, they're the glue that holds development and operations teams together.

Their main gig is automating the heck out of everything, from setting up CI/CD pipelines to managing infrastructure with tools like Terraform and Ansible.

They're also responsible for keeping tabs on app performance, ensuring smooth sailing with containerization using Docker and Kubernetes.

To rock this role, you gotta be a tech-savvy jack-of-all-trades.

Mastering tools like Git for version control, Jenkins or GitLab CI/CD for continuous integration, and Prometheus for monitoring is just the tip of the iceberg.

You'll also need to be a team player, collaborating with developers, ops, and security squads to foster a kickass DevOps culture.

With businesses in Timor-Leste going all-in on digital transformation and cloud computing, the demand for DevOps talent is skyrocketing.

Industry experts predict an 18% job growth rate between 2020 and 2024. As Patricia Williams, the big kahuna at a leading Dili tech firm, puts it,

"DevOps is no longer just a buzzword; it's essential for rapid innovation, reliability, and delivering value to customers lightning-fast."

So, if you're a coding pro with a knack for automation and a passion for teamwork, buckle up and get ready to ride the DevOps wave in Timor-Leste!

AI/ML Engineer


Alright, let me hit you with the scoop on the hottest tech gig in Timor-Leste for 2024 - the AI/ML Engineer role.

These whiz kids are raking in some serious cash, with average salaries projected to reach $160,757 annually! Their job? To create freaking awesome AI and machine learning models that'll blow your mind.

So, what does an AI/ML Engineer do all day? Well, they're basically data wizards, conjuring up magic from massive datasets.

They collect and process humongous amounts of data, then use it to train cutting-edge algorithms like neural networks and decision trees. But that's just the beginning.

These tech ninjas also fine-tune their models for peak performance, using techniques like hyperparameter tuning and ensemble methods.

And their work doesn't stop there - they don't work alone.

AI/ML Engineers team up with other tech gurus to seamlessly integrate their AI creations into existing systems. Plus, they're always monitoring and updating their models to keep them sharp and relevant.

Imagine having to babysit a super-intelligent AI – talk about a wild ride!

To land one of these sweet gigs, you'll need some serious coding chops. We're talking Python mastery, with a firm grip on libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit-learn.

Familiarity with big data techs like Apache Spark and Hadoop is also a must-have. And if you can navigate cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, you're golden! Industry insiders are predicting a 28% surge in demand for AI/ML Engineers in Timor-Leste this year, fueled by the AI revolution sweeping across healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.

As the country doubles down on digital transformation, these tech rockstars will be leading the charge, unlocking the full potential of AI and machine learning tech.

Buckle up, folks – it's about to get wild!

IT Project Manager


In Timor-Leste, being an IT Project Manager is about to be the hottest job in 2024. With companies shelling out an average of $65,000 per year, it's a way to make a good income while steering cutting-edge tech projects to success.

These pros will be leading the digital revolution, overseeing the rollout of game-changing software, system upgrades, and more across various industries.

As an IT Project Manager, your day-to-day would involve meticulously planning every detail, allocating resources wisely, identifying risks, and managing stakeholders.

You'd be setting clear goals, defining deliverables, and coordinating cross-functional teams to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget. The project management approaches commonly used in Timor-Leste include Agile, where flexibility and customer collaboration are key, Waterfall for well-defined projects with minimal changes, and Scrum, an Agile subset focusing on short, iterative sprints and daily team huddles.

To truly excel as an IT Project Manager, you need to be a tech whiz with killer people skills.

You'd be the conductor of the project orchestra, harmonizing diverse talents, fostering open communication, and swiftly resolving conflicts to keep everything running smoothly.

With Timor-Leste's tech sector expected to grow by a whopping 12% annually, the demand for skilled IT Project Managers is only going to skyrocket, making this role an absolute gold mine for anyone looking to build a lucrative and rewarding career.

Database Administrator


You won't believe the kind of cash a Database Administrator can make these days! We're talking a fat paycheck averaging $109,583 per year in the US.

In Timor-Leste, it's a sweet $72,000 annually, according to industry reports. The demand for these database wizards is only gonna skyrocket as businesses keep churning out insane amounts of data.

So, what do these DBAs actually do? For starters, they design and implement badass database structures tailored to an organization's needs.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. They're also the gatekeepers of data security, slapping on encryption and access controls like it's nobody's business.

And let's not forget about those crucial backups and disaster recovery plans – gotta keep that data safe and sound, right?

These tech geniuses are constantly monitoring database performance, sniffing out bottlenecks and optimizing systems for maximum efficiency.

It's like they've got a sixth sense for spotting performance issues. And if that's not enough, they're also responsible for managing user accounts, permissions, and providing top-notch support to database users.

Talk about a multitasking master!

To score a sweet gig like this, you gotta be a total beast when it comes to database management systems like Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

Coding skills in languages like SQL, Python, and Java are also a major plus. With Timor-Leste's tech scene heating up, being a Database Administrator is a surefire way to rake in some serious dough while staying at the cutting edge of the industry.

Full Stack Developer


Alright, let's talk about being a Full Stack Developer in Timor-Leste! These tech wizards are like the superheroes of the coding world, mastering both the front-end sorcery and back-end alchemy.

In 2024, the average paycheck for this role is expected to hit a sweet $65,000 per year, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Their main gig? Conjuring up mind-blowing web apps that seamlessly blend user interfaces with server-side logic, creating a digital experience smoother than butter.

To become a Full Stack badass, you gotta have some serious skills under your belt.

We're talking front-end sorcery like HTML, CSS, JavaScript (with frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js), and responsive design that makes your app look fire on any device.

But that's just the warm-up act! Back-end mastery is where the real magic happens, with languages like Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails, or PHP, plus databases (SQL and NoSQL) to store all that juicy data.

DevOps tools like Git, Docker, Kubernetes, and CI/CD are must-haves, too, to keep everything running smoothly.

Oh, and let's not forget about cloud skills! AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform are like the virtual playgrounds where Full Stack devs can really flex their muscles.

According to the industry experts, the demand for these coding masters in Timor-Leste is set to soar by 18% between 2022 and 2024, outpacing the global average.

As businesses go all-in on digital transformation, Full Stack Developers are the ones making it happen, building killer web apps that keep customers coming back for more.

Just ask Barbara Johnson, the badass CTO of a top tech company here, who says,

"The versatility of a Full Stack Developer is invaluable in today's fast-paced digital landscape."

So, if you're ready to level up your coding game and become a true tech trailblazer, check out Nucamp's Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp – it's your ticket to becoming an unstoppable coding force!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the expected annual salary for Data Scientists in Timor-Leste in 2024?

Data Scientists in Timor-Leste are expected to earn over $120,000 annually in 2024.

Which tech job in Timor-Leste has the highest projected salary in 2024?

The Cloud Solutions Architect role has the highest projected salary, with an average of $128,418 annually, and senior professionals earning up to $167,000.

What skills are necessary for a Software Developer in Timor-Leste?

A Software Developer in Timor-Leste should be proficient in Java, Python, C++, and JavaScript, and familiar with tools and frameworks like React, Angular, Node.js, and Django. They should also have experience in database management systems like MySQL and PostgreSQL, and version control systems like Git.

What is the projected job growth rate for DevOps Engineers in Timor-Leste between 2020 and 2024?

The projected job growth rate for DevOps Engineers in Timor-Leste is 18% between 2020 and 2024.

What factors are considered when determining the top tech jobs in Timor-Leste for 2024?

The top tech jobs in Timor-Leste for 2024 are determined based on factors such as projected salary, job growth, and the number of open positions.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Discover the impact of leveraging social media for job hunting in the tech industry.

  • Kickstart your journey by researching the tech job market to understand emerging trends and opportunities.

  • Read about their journey and achievements to see how you can follow in their footsteps.

  • Exploring the benefits of self-study might reveal cost-effective ways to learn coding at your own pace.

  • Explore the benefits and affordability of the Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Timor-Leste.

  • Illuminate your future by learning about the Long-term career prospects awaiting you after graduating from a coding bootcamp in Timor-Leste.

  • Explore the various specializations and course options available at Ironhack to tailor your learning experience.

  • Don't miss out on the events organized by Startup Timor, which are crucial for connecting with Timor-Leste's tech entrepreneurs.

Top 10 Best Paid Tech Job in Timor-Leste in 2024 (2024)


What is the most common job in Timor Leste? ›

with agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and forestry accounting for around 80 percent of all self- employment in Timor Leste (the dominant form of employment), but only 30 percent of non- petroleum GDP. A third of the rural population is wholly dependent on subsistence agriculture.

What is the highest paying job in the tech world? ›

Top Paying Tech Careers in 2024
  1. Cloud Architect. Average Annual Salary: $174,984 [Glassdoor, Dec 2023] ...
  2. Network Security Engineer. Average Annual Salary: $160,471 [Glassdoor, Dec 2023] ...
  3. Data Scientist. ...
  4. Machine Learning Engineer. ...
  5. Cybersecurity Engineer. ...
  6. Software Engineer. ...
  7. Penetration Tester. ...
  8. AI Research Scientist.
Jan 18, 2024

What is the salary in Timor-Leste? ›

8. Comparison with other countries
CountryAverage Monthly Salary (USD)
Timor-Leste150 – 250
Indonesia200 – 400
Philippines250 – 500
Vietnam150 – 300
3 more rows

What are the top industries in Timor-Leste? ›


Timor-Leste is primarily a market economy, with most villages relying on subsistence farming. About 80% of the population is employed in the agriculture sector. Major exports are oil and gas, coffee and services (remittances) followed by tourism.

What is the main business in Timor-Leste? ›

Currently Timor-Leste's economy is mostly dependent on the extraction of oil reserves from the Timor Sea which account for a massive 80% of GDP. These funds have enabled significant investment in core services and infrastructure, especially related to roads and electricity.

What is Timor-Leste popular for? ›

Timor-Leste is an intriguing new tourism destination and attracting an increasing number of international travellers keen to experience its coral reefs, beaches, rugged mountains and rich cultural heritage.

How does Timor-Leste make money? ›

The public sector accounts for about half of non-agricultural employment, and the formal labor market remains underdeveloped. Timor-Leste remains one of East Asia's poorest countries and is heavily dependent on foreign aid. Oil and gas account for more than 90 percent of GDP and 70 percent of government revenue.

What is the workforce in Timor-Leste? ›

The results of the Labour Force Survey in 2021 reveal that the working-age population aged 15 years and above in Timor-Leste was 809.3 thousand, with slightly more women (405.8 thousand) than men (403.6 thousand).

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