SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (2024)

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  • SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide

SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (1)

Welcome to the rebranded SecureAuth Authenticate app!

The mobile app connects seamlessly with products in SecureAuth to provide multi-factor authentication (MFA) to make logins more secure. The SecureAuth Authenticate app generates login passcodes and sends you a push notification for one-tap authentication on your mobile device.

Authenticator apps by SecureAuth have two names in the app stores for different product deployments.

  • SecureAuth Authenticate – This app supports login requests coming from the SecureAuth® Identity Platform and its products.

    The app icon name will appear as Authenticate.

  • SecureAuth MFA – This app formerly known as Arculix Mobile, supports login requests coming from Arculix and its products.

    The app icon name will appear as SecureAuth MFA.

SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (2)

Regardless of the name, your experience within the app will be tailored to your needs based on your login credentials.

For most of you, if you already have one or both of these apps installed, the app updates will be seamless for you. If you have any questions, reach out to a system administrator in your organization.

Task A: Download and install SecureAuth Authenticate

In the app store, search for SecureAuth Authenticate.

Google Play link: SecureAuth Authenticate


App Store link: SecureAuth Authenticate

Task B: Connect your SecureAuth Authenticate app

Next, you will need to connect the SecureAuth Authenticate app to your user account.

Depending on the configurations set by your organization, you can connect your account in any of the following ways.

Method 1: Connect with QR code

Use this method if your organization provides a QR code set up option.

  1. Follow your organization's instructions to get the QR code to enroll your mobile device.

    It might look like the following screenshot.

    SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (3)

    QR enrollment page

  2. Open the Authenticate app. Then, scan the QR code in one of these ways:

    • Open QR scan. In the top left of the app, tap the QR code icon.

    • Add Account. Tap Settings (gear icon) > scroll down to Add Account > Scan QR Code.

    Result: When you scan the QR code, it starts the pairing request. A message displays in the app under "Recent Transactions". You must complete the next step to confirm the pairing request.

  3. Get the verification code from the app. Type this on the QR enrollment page to confirm the QR pairing.

    The verification code is the OTP code you see with a countdown timer.

    SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (4)

Method 2: Connect with URL

Use this method if your organization provides a URL set up option.

  1. Follow your organization's instructions to get the URL to enroll your mobile device.

  2. Open the Authenticate app.

  3. Tap the Settings gear icon.

  4. Scroll down to the bottom and tap Add Account.

  5. Tap Fill URL.

  6. Type the provided URL in the app and tap Pair.

    Once connected, the account is listed in the Dashboard. The verification code is then available for use.

Task C: Log in and verify with Authenticate

Log in and verify access with Authenticate.

  1. Log in to your computer or application.

  2. Authenticate prompts you to take action to approve access.

    This will depend on your organization's settings. To approve access, you may need to tap "Accept", tap the matching symbol, use biometrics, or enter the app's displayed passcode.

    SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (5)

    Accept to approve

    SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (6)

    View passcode

    SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (7)

    Symbol Push login method

Other features in Authenticate

Some key features in Authenticate are described next.


Use the fast switch menu at the top of the Dashboard to switch accounts.

If a different account is selected, you'll hear a sound for a push notification. You won't see it until you switch to that account.

SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (8)



Key sections of the Dashboard:

  • Pending. Displays pending verification requests that you need to take action on.

  • Web Codes. Displays offline passcodes for access.

  • Recent Transactions. Displays history of previous login attempts.

SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (9)

Dashboard view

QR code

On the Dashboard, in the top left, tap the QR code icon.

SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (10)

QR scan

App Lock

(as a required setting)

As a required setting. Your system administrator might have a policy that requires you to set an App Lock to view time-based one-time passcodes (TOTP). If this is the case, you will receive a notification to turn on App Lock and set a passcode (PIN).

Depending on your organization settings, you'll set up a 4-digit or 8-digit passcode (PIN). If you've previously set up a PIN and there is a policy change, it might require you to change your PIN.


Be sure to remember or securely store your passcode (PIN) in a safe place. If you forget your PIN, you will need to pair your device again.

SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (11)

Set PIN for App Lock


When this option is turned on and the app detects a change in biometrics, like adding or removing a fingerprint on the mobile device, it will unpair all accounts.

Be careful when changing biometric settings on shared devices.

Consider this scenario -- Alice has connected accounts in Authenticate. Bob does not.

Alice and Bob share a mobile device. If Bob removes or adds a fingerprint, Authenticate will unpair all accounts for Alice.

Alice will have to connect their mobile device again with Authenticate.

App Lock

(as an optional setting)

App Lock is in the Settings menu.

As an optional setting. Add another layer of security by turning on App Lock. When you turn on this feature, it requires you to enter a passcode (PIN) or use biometrics like Face ID to approve an authentication request or to view offline codes.


Be sure to remember or securely store your passcode (PIN) in a safe place. If you forget your PIN, you will need to pair your device again.

SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (12)

App Lock setting

SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (13)

Turn on Passcode and Face ID

You must turn on and set up a Passcode (PIN) first before you can enable Face ID. The Passcode option is the fallback method in case the the biometrics method does not work.


When this option is turned on and the app detects a change in biometrics, like adding or removing a fingerprint on the mobile device, it will unpair all accounts.

Be careful when changing biometric settings on shared devices.

Consider this scenario -- Alice has connected accounts in Authenticate. Bob does not.

Alice and Bob share a mobile device. If Bob removes or adds a fingerprint, Authenticate will unpair all accounts for Alice.

Alice will have to connect their mobile device again with Authenticate.

FAQs and troubleshooting

Read on to learn more or troubleshoot issues with the Authenticate app.

  • I have a new mobile device. How do I connect the Authenticate app again?
  • I have a rooted or jailbroken mobile device. Can I pair my device with Authenticate?
  • When I try to pair my device, why do I see this message: Authenticate does not support modified devices. Please restore the device to factory settings in order to use this application?
  • Why am I getting this message in Authenticate: "We have detected a change in the Face IDs on this device. For your security, Face ID was disabled in Authenticate and you have been logged out."

I have a new mobile device. How do I connect the Authenticate app again?

Follow these instructions to connect your new mobile device to your account.

  1. Go to the app store and install the SecureAuth Authenticate app.

  2. Follow your organization's policy to connect via Method 1: Connect with QR code or Method 2: Connect with URL.


    If your computer requires a secure login with MFA, you can use another method, like your password or a code via SMS, until you can reconnect your new mobile device with the Authenticate app.

I have a rooted or jailbroken mobile device. Can I pair my device with Authenticate?

No. A warning message will display when you try to open the Authenticate app: Authenticate does not support modified devices. Please restore the device to factory settings in order to use this application.

Workaround: Restore your mobile device to its factory settings and try again.

When I try to pair my device, why do I see this message: Authenticate does not support modified devices. Please restore the device to factory settings in order to use this application?

Authenticate has detected that the mobile device is rooted or jailbroken. The Authenticate app will not work at all on rooted or jailbroken devices.

Workaround: Restore your mobile device to its factory settings and try again.

Why am I getting this message in Authenticate: "We have detected a change in the Face IDs on this device. For your security, Face ID was disabled in Authenticate and you have been logged out."

Authenticate has a setting called App Lock. It lets you use biometrics like Face ID or fingerprint to approve an authentication request.

Workaround: Connect your mobile device again with Authenticate, using Method 1: Connect with QR code or Method 2: Connect with URL.


When this option is turned on and the app detects a change in biometrics, like adding or removing a fingerprint on the mobile device, it will unpair all accounts.

Be careful when changing biometric settings on shared devices.

Consider this scenario -- Alice has connected accounts in Authenticate. Bob does not.

Alice and Bob share a mobile device. If Bob removes or adds a fingerprint, Authenticate will unpair all accounts for Alice.

Alice will have to connect their mobile device again with Authenticate.

In this section:

SecureAuth Authenticate app user guide (2024)
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